Your privacy is dear to us, that's why it's our mission and policy to protect all the information we collect from our users.
We will only request personal information when we feel it necessary in order to enable us to provide you with your desired services, and we collect information, we make it our mission to so while adhering to commercially-accepted security protocol. We will keep personal data only for as long as it takes us to provide solicited services.
We also don't share any personal data unless required by the law. You should note that on our website, you may at times find links to other third parties websites and while you are free to explore these, you should keep in mind that we have no control over the content found on these websites, thus you should proceed with caution.
You may refuse to disclose your personal information, but in doing so you agree that you are fully aware that we may not have access to our services.
Should you continue to make use of our website, we will take it as your agreement of our privacy policy. Kindly contact us if you have any queries.